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APLSF (System Function) is an implementation of the APL programming language for TOPS-20 that is available on TWENEX.

In and Out

To start the APL interpreter, type the following from EXEC:


At the terminal.. prompt, enter tty for a non-APL keyboard.

Leave APLSF by entering one of the following commands (APLSF converts all alphabetic input to upper-case):

)MONTerminate APLSF and return to EXEC.
)OFFTerminate APLSF and log out of TWENEX.
)CONTINUESave active workspace to file DSK:CONTIN.APL, terminate APLSF, log-out from TWENEX. The saved workspace will be loaded automatically the next time you run APLSF.

You can enter the APL interpreter on twenex by typing APLSF. Then enter tty to use a non-APL keyboard. You can find the keyboard mapping for APLSF on bitsavers here: APLSF_Language_Manual_Aug79.pdf

APL Character Set With ASCII and Escape Mode Equivalents

[For convenience, part of the keyboard mapping table from APLSF Language Manual is duplicated below.]

Name ASCII Escape
and & Grade Down .GD
assignment _ Grade Up .GU
÷ divide % I-Beam (histogram) .IB
exponentiate * @E LoGarithm .LG
× multiply # NaNd .NN
? question (roll and deal) ? @Q NoR .NR
' quote string ' @K back expansion .CB
take ^ @Y (Circle) Rotate .CR
residue (ABsolute value) .AB @M back scan .CS
α ALpha .AL @A Divide Quad .DQ
quad (BoX) .BX @L Input Quad .IQ
CEiling (maximum) .CE @S Output Quad .OQ
drop (Down Arrow) .DA @U OUt .OU
¨ Dieresis .DD Protected Del .PD
DEcode .DE @B Quad Del .QD
DeL .DL @G Quad Quote .QQ
DiaMond .DM ReVersal .RV
Down Under .DU @C TRanspose .TR
ENcode .EN @N eXecute .XQ
EPsilon .EP @E ForMat .FM
FLoor .FL @D Comment (lamp)
Greater then or Equal to .GE A-Z underscored alphabetics .ZA-.ZZ
GO to (branch) .GO underscored lower del .Z@
IOta .IO @I
{ Left curly Brace .LB
delta (Lower Del) .LD @H
Less than or Equal to .LE
Left tacK .LK
circle (Large O) .LO @O
Left Union .LU @X
Not Equal to .NE
NeGation .NG
NoT .NT @T
OMega .OM @W
} Right curly Brace .RB
RhO .RO @R
Right tacK .RK
Right Union .RU @Z
jot (Small O) .SO @J
_ UnderScore .US @F
Up Union .UU @V
apl.1638504758.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/03 04:12 by papa