This is a collection of user contributed tutorials for [[|TWENEX.ORG]]. While these tutorials may contain specific information to [[|TWENEX.ORG]], they may also be general enough such that other TOPS-20 and [[|TOPS-20 PANDA Distribution]] users could benefit from them. Access to this WIKI is available by //MAIL//ing or //SEND//ing a message to //SMJ// on [[|TWENEX.ORG]]. ===== TOPS-20 Tutorials ===== ==== TWENEX.ORG Basics ==== * [[tutorials:howto]] //Authoring tutorials, style guidelines, et cetera// * [[tutorials:access]] //Getting and accessing your own TOPS-20 account on [[|TWENEX.ORG]]// * [[tutorials:starter]] //A starter guide to TOPS-20 aimed at UNIX users// * [[tutorials:EXEC]] //Using EXEC---the TOPS-20 command parser, and TOPS-20 command files// * [[tutorials:batch]] //Running background tasks without user interaction according to schedule// ==== E-Mail and Communication ==== * [[tutorials:advise]] //ADVISE another's TTY// * [[tutorials:commode]] //A simple remark chat using linked TTYs// * [[tutorials:bboard]] //Shared MAIL folder which acts as a Bulletin Board// * [[tutorials:mm]] //Reading and Sending MAIL via Mail Manager// * [[tutorials:send]] //SENDing and REPLYing to TOPS-20 Instant Message// * [[tutorials:talk]] //Linking TTYs together// * [[tutorials:network]] //Internet (TCP/IP) and DECnet communication options// ==== Languages and Programming ==== * [[tutorials:compilers|Compilers]] //General notes on compiling source code on TOPS-20// * [[tutorials:assemblers|Assemblers]] //General notes on PDP-10 assembly language programming// * [[AID]] //Using Algebraic Interpretive Dialog// * [[APL]] //Using the APLSF interpreter// * [[tutorials:BASIC]] //Using BASIC// * [[tutorials:kcc|C]] // Using the KCC C compiler// * [[tutorials:FORTH]] //Using the FORTH interpreters// * [[tutorials:FORTRAN]] //Using the FORTRAN-20 compiler// * [[tutorials:interlisp|Interlisp-10]] //Using the Interlisp-10 Lisp system// * [[tutorials:maclisp|MACLISP]] //Using the MACLISP Lisp system// * [[tutorials:MACRO]] // Using TOPS-20 MACRO assembly language // * [[tutorials:MDL]] //Muddling with the MDL programming language// * [[tutorials:MIDAS]] // Using MIDAS assembly language // * [[tutorials:FAIL]] // Using FAIL assembly language // * [[tutorials:Pascal]] //Using the Pascal compiler// * [[tutorials:SNOBOL]] //Using SNOBOL on TWENEX.ORG// ==== Text Editors ==== * [[tutorials:editor|Default editor]] //Invoking your default editor (CREATE/EDIT)// * [[tutorials:edit|EDIT]] //Using the EDIT text editor// * [[tutorials:edt|EDT-20]] //Using the EDT-20 text editor// * [[tutorials:emacs|Emacs]] //Using the Emacs text editor// * [[tutorials:teco|TECO]] //Using the TECO and Video TECO (TV) text editors// //(The editor SED is also listed in @HELP NEW-USER, but the executable file is corrupt and inoperative.)// ==== Games ==== * [[tutorials:haunt|Haunt]] //A haunted house text adventure game programmed by John Laird in 1979 using the rule-based language OPS4.// * [[tutorials:startrek|Star Trek]] (Space War) //The text-based strategy game inspired by the television series **Star Trek** popular on minicomputers, mainframes, and early PCs in the 1970s and -80s.// * [[tutorials:zork|Zork]] //"The classic underground maze/puzzle."// ==== References and External Links ==== * [[references:library|Local document library]] * [[references:t20snsv7|TOPS-20 Software Notebook Set]] * [[|TOPS-20 User's Guide]] ([[|HTML]]) * [[|TOPS-20 Commands Reference Manual]] * [[|TOPS-20 Interactive Tutorial (summary and transcript)]] * [[|Getting Into TWENEX]] * [[|Using Multiple Interactive Programs on TWENEX]] * [[references:interlisp]] //Some references to the interlisp programming language that we have here on twenex// * [[|PDP-10]] // DEC PDP-10 documentation archive// * Wikidata item: [[|TOPS-20]] * [[|Tutorial de TOPS-20 en EspaƱol de TWENEX.ORG]]//TOPS-20 Tutorial (in Spanish)//